ERP Portal-Suppliers / Vendors

Customisation free, real time interaction with your standard Unit4 ERP or ERPx setup including Purchase Order Flip and Invoicing

Reduce your AP overheads

Let suppliers / vendors securely manage their own details and transactions rather than picking up the phone or sending emails requiring rekeying.

Our latest features allow vendors to PO Flip flipping a purchase order to an invoice including PDF rendering of the invoice. Order acknowledgement and confirmation are also available.

Use our bespoke sections and pages to create document management pages or questionnaires to get valuable insights.

Out of the Box

Reduce AP overhead by allowing Suppliers access to:
screenshot showing the portal front end for a supplier who has logged in. They are able to see an important message, an overview of the actions they can take and the action buttons

✓ View and change their masterfile data
✓ View and search their invoice & PO transactions by status, dates, amounts
✓ PO Flip & Non PO Invoicing

Also included is

✓ Modulus checking of bank details and upload of verification documents to document archive
✓ The ability to stop suppliers using the system without first accepting your bespoke terms and conditions
✓ Form configuration to onboard suppliers to Business World Supplier Masterfile
✓ Workflow Integration
✓ Document Archive Integration
✓ No customisation required
✓ Documentation to self deploy avoiding consultancy costs if you have in house skills
✓ Your organisations branding
✓ Production and Test Systems
✓ Bulk onboarding of existing supplier accounts
✓ Admin logging and email bounce notifications
✓ 5000 active portal accounts (more can be purchased)
✓ Regular updates and improvements

Feature Packs

Our functionality is provided in packs so you can choose the features you like and not have to pay for those you don't. We're also constantly improving our existing packs, not just releasing new ones. We are always more than happy to discuss any specific requirements you may have.

Bespoke Sections and Pages

Our NO CODE solution to allow you to customise the edit details page or even add your own new pages:

✓ Utilises flexifields and relations

✓ Display documents attached to supplier or client

✓ Add upload document sections

✓ Customisable per supplier, or at a group level

Invoice Connectivity Pack

✓ Accept UBL or CII invoices and have them translated to EI02 and sent to your system

Phase 2
✓ Provide a simple REST API to your suppliers via the portal so they can connect their finance systems and multiple invoice documents (e.g. pdf / tiff / jpg) with basic information to be imported via EI02 / DS05

Live Chat Pack

✓ Allow AP to provide live chat support to suppliers allowing queries to be resolved quickly and efficiently

Open Banking Verification

When changing bank details users will be redirected to a secure open banking provider who will then verify them with their own bank

*available in some countries and only for certain banks

FAQ and Deployment

Read about our deployment and regular FAQs